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Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury is a professor of Mechanical Engineering at Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), Gazipur, Bangladesh. His research interests are Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, Energy Storage Materials, Engineering Tribology, Surface Engineering, Coating Technology and Biomedical Engineering. He has served as a keynote speaker, session chair, editorial board member, reviewer for reputable journals and conferences. He is both the Author and Editor of over 10 number of books. Additionally, he has published over 250 research and review articles in refereed International Journals and Conference Proceedings. He is working as a consultant, advisor, and expert member of many government and autonomous organizations. His teaching & research experience is about 24 years. He is a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), USA, a member of the Physical Society of Bangladesh and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. He has participated in various cultural and social activities. He has committed to contributing articles, stories, lyrics, and poems to various newspapers and pertinent publications. Apart from this, this year, Elsevier BV and Stanford University ranked Professor Chowdhury among the top 2% of all Scientists in the globe for year 2022, 2023 and 2024. His article is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, thereby contributing to the resolution of some of the world’s greatest problems.